The Mayor of Casterbridge (2003) (2025)

The Mayor of Casterbridge (2003) (1)

The Mayor of Casterbridge (2003) (2)

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Directed by David Thacker


Adaptation of Thomas Hardy's novel.

Adaptation of Thomas Hardy's novel.
At a country fair, young hay-trusser Michael Henchard quarrels with his wife Susan, and in a drunken fit decides to auction off his wife and baby to a sailor for five guineas. The next day, realising his loss, he swears not to touch liquor again for as many years as he has lived so far. Eighteen years later, Henchard has become Mayor of Casterbridge, a man well respected but not well liked. The unexpected return of his wife and daughter Elizabeth Jane sets off a turn of events that force him to face the consequences of his selfish impulses and violent temper.

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  • Cast
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Ciarán Hinds Juliet Aubrey Jodhi May James Purefoy Alex Kelly


David Thacker


Thomas Hardy Ted Whitehead


Adrian Johnston


Pearson Television International Sally Head Productions





Alternative Titles

A weydoni asszonyvásár, 嘉德橋市長


TV Movie Drama

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28 Dec 2003
  • The Mayor of Casterbridge (2003) (3)UKPG

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The Mayor of Casterbridge (2003) (4)UK
28 Dec 2003
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196mins More atIMDbTMDb Report this page

Popular reviews

  • Review by Ingrridd ★★★ 3

    This hould have been called Tragedy After Tragedy: A Tragic Story of Tragedy.
    PS: I think the universe is encouraging me to rewatch Rome, it's the second movie I've seen in a row that has at least three of Rome cast members.

  • Review by loureviews ★★★★

    A very good version of the Hardy novel, with Ciaran Hinds providing perfect casting as the man who has a secret in his past which could cause his ruin. In just over three hours this adaptation comes as close to the source as you would wish, and there are some fine performances to enjoy as well - Juliet Aubrey as the sickly wife who had been abandoned in her youth, and Jodhi May as her daughter; James Purefoy as the ambitious Scot who soon becomes a staple of the town; Polly Walker as the tragic Lucetta.

    Not something to watch if you want cheery viewing, but if you are in the mood for a thoughtful period drama, I'd recommend this one.

  • Review by kaju ★★★ 8

    yeterli bir uyarlama.
    +Ciarán Hinds mükemmel bir seçim olmuş

  • Review by nikkimetz

    [Elizabeth Jane cries]

    Men are trash and Thomas Hardy had a deviant mind

  • Review by Laura ★★★★

    "...and may no man remember me."

    Michael Henchard is one of the most painful antihero characters in any film. Just miserable to watch. Bawled my eyes out at the end.

  • Review by Harry ★★★★★

    Often cogitated on why Dickens appears to tower over other Victorians like Hardy. There is no simple answer. In this adaptation of Casterbridge, Ciaran Hinds is captivating as the epitome of self-destruction, Michael Henchard. Its a riveting performance in a sweeping story of rags to riches to rags.

  • Review by NoNameLegend ★★★½

    Love Thomas Hardy: Victorian Brutal

  • Review by Dr Lois ★★★★

    Ciarán Hinds. Must I say more? Ciarán Hinds in posh period clothing and James Purefoy in a kilt for dessert!

    A fine period drama, a bit long, but it kept my attention.

    Besides being gorgeous, Ciarán is an amazing versatile actor.

    (I have to go back and re-watch Rome now, which includes three of these fine actors).

  • Review by My-Phuong ★★★★

    Really enjoyed this period drama. It's not light or humorous--actually rather depressing--so many tragic events due to secrets. But it's a very good story.

    I haven't read Thomas Harding's book, which this TV drama is adapted from, so can't comment whether this film is true to the book. It does make me want to read the book though.

  • Review by Arziki ★★★

    Don't remember this movie too well, so I should re watch it. This is a note to re watch The Mayor of Casterbridge. Hopefully, by writing this out I will remember to re watch it. And when I re watch it I'll be able to delete this passage. So this passage has meaning, because when I'll erase it when I watch the movie. It's like how some cultures get piercings or tattoos when they reach a certain age. Except instead of getting a tattoo, I'll be erasing this passage. I can't wait.

  • Review by Sourav Biswas ★★★★½

    How man's choices affect his life in long run!
    He was bad, very bad
    But he was also good somewhere in his heart!

  • Review by louisclarkNE26 ★★★★

    Ciaran Hinds has the perfect face for a period drama.

The Mayor of Casterbridge (2003) (2025)
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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Views: 6108

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (57 voted)

Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.