Liquid Starch Slime Only 3 Ingredients! - Little Bins for Little Hands (2024)

  • Hi! I was curious as to how long slime lasts? Just interested for storage reasons! Thanks.

  • We have left ours out on our table for a couple weeks but we are continually moving it around and playing with it! Keep it loosely covered!

  • can not wait to try this out, made slime with water food coloring and cornflour adding sand, objects etc. So it will be good to feel and see if the reactions the same. thank you. johannax

  • About how much does one recipe make?? I’m thinking this would be awesome for valentines gifts. My kiddo’s class has strict allergy rules for snacks, so I’m trying to think outside the food world. Thanks!

  • Hi, I just love this idea! I live in an isolated area with no liquid starch at any of our stores. I googles how to make your own and it is not working with this recipe. Any tips?

  • I love all of the slime ideas! 🙂

  • Thank you!

  • I would say you could have 3 nice portions from one batch!

  • What type liquid starch do you use? I tried making this with homemade liquid starch and it totally didn’t work – apparently the trick is in one of the chemical components. I can buy liquid starch here (Bulgaria), but apparently there are a few types that are quite different in terms of ingredients. Thanks!

  • Ours turned out super sticky. Is that how it’s supposed to be or did we do something wrong. The only way to get it off our fingers is to wash them with warm water. We used the same liquid starch but CraZArt washable school glues vs Elmer’s.

  • I was curious as to how this would hold up in a container? Does it get watery?

  • Just mixed mine up —- very liquid-y. Any thoughts? Will it thicken with time?? I wouldn’t begin to “mix this with my hands” at this point. ????

  • I am thinking about making slime as an activity in my kindergartener’s class. Do you think I could mix the water and glue the night before and let the kids mix in the glitter/starch themselves the following day? Or will it not turn out right if the glue/water mixture sits overnight?

  • I tried making this with my high school science class today. We used a stock solution of 1% starch instead of liquid starch from the store and it turned out looking like.. melted milkshakes! Any advice for us?

  • we just mixed up 3 batches of this at the same time, but all 3 are still complete liquid and runny, im assuming this isn’t how it should be. there would be no way to even mix by hand at this point. I used dollar tree glue, and im guessing this must be why. any suggestions to fix it? ive got 3 little valentines party goers here that are going to be really sad

  • I accidently purchased elmers all purpose glue … it held together as long as we were playing with it . Super smooth .. but next morning it had separated completely anyone had this happen before

  • This is perfect! We are starting the unit on states of mayer for science in my 4th grade class. Our textbook had directions on how to makes slime using borax. I think this will be perfect to make as well so my students can compare and decide which type of slime they think is better. Thank you for sharing!

  • Mine didn’t work.. I made home made liquid starch and LePages wood glue, which seems very close in consistency to the white, however, it remained liquid and did not form into slime.

  • Our only suggestion is that you do not get it on clothing. Have children wear smocks or old shirts you don’t mind getting stained or gooey. Although the glue will wash out I’m not 100% certain the coloring will.

  • Awesome! Happy experimenting. We have tried both! Our bat slime is with borax but all our others are with liquid starch.

  • I haven’t but I think because the other is washable it mixes with the water better. My best guess but definitely give it another try!

  • Sorry so late in the reply. Unfortunately dollar tree glue is not the same 🙁 It just doesn’t work.

  • I am sorry I don’t know other than it may have not been concentrated enough. Great science experiment though to try it again!

  • Where do you buy the liqud starch? I have been to three grocery stores and no one seems to carry anything but spray starch!

  • We made some slime today and my kids loved it – it turned out great! I’d like to make a larger portion – 5x to be exact! – for a birthday party activity/favor. Could I use 5x the ingredients in a big bowl, or would it be better to do it in 5 separate bowls? I’m also planning on letting them mix in sequins after it’s made and I was thinking about glitter – do you think that would mix in well after the fact? I’d try it out, but we don’t have any.

  • Hey ,
    I want to make sure where Liquid starch or borax is available in New Zealand? And how much is needed if you use borax?

  • I made this with Japanese liquid starch and white glue. Much like the other comments, it did not work – just stayed liquid.

  • Isn’t the Liquid starch made by corn starch+water?

  • We mixed ours using elmers glitter glue & Pyrex starflower starch. It was very stringy & when it came together turned kind of stiff, not flowing. Any tips to make it more smooth?
    Thanks for the fun!!

  • I want to make this clear goo for Halloween for my daughter’s class. I see that the recipe calls for white glue but the picture shows clear. Do I need the clear in order to make the clear goo (I assume?). Also, can you find the liquid starch at the grocery store?

  • You have a clear puddy on your home page. Is that the puddy you use with starch and clear glue. I’m looking for a clearer version of puddy that I make.

  • Think it could be stored in ziplock bags? Thinking of making a batch and splitting it up for the kids to take home.

  • Which makes better slime Borax or Liquid Starch?

  • We prefer liquid starch. It’s just easier but there isn’t a huge difference otherwise.

  • We like the ease of the starch but the slimes are very similar.

  • Probably. I like to use the dollar store plastic containers!

  • Elmer’s Clear Washable Glue and Liquid Starch should make a lovely transparent slime.

  • Yes sorry typo. If you want clear slime then clear glue is needed. Liquid starch is in the grocery store.

  • I have not used those two ingredients! But I have read that the glitter glue is stiffer. More water may be needed to thin it out!

  • No it is in the laundry detergent aisle of the grocery store.

  • May just work with the kind in the US. Terribly sorry.

  • I would make smaller batches just to be safe!

  • I buy it in the laundry section usually on the very bottom shelf or on Amazon.

  • Double check your measurements. Also did you use Elmers Washable School Glue? A different glue can have different results. It should thicken immediately.

  • It holds up great in reusable plastic container. Gets better with time. Many hands may make it dirty faster. We can keep ours for a month.

  • The glue is the problem! Try Elmers next time.

  • Lin-it brand starch is our super markets. You can also use Stay Flo.

  • Well you can try some other kind of slimes. Do you have borax powder handy? We have a recipe for that. You can also check out our metamucil slime!

  • Love the looks of it, will practice and try for upcoming birthday party. Can you elaborate on the pros/cons of these ingredient options — borax v. liquid starch, and clear v. white glue? Are the ultra-vivid color and glitter versions achieved with just a drop of regular food coloring, or…? Thank you — gathering supplies soon!

  • I prefer the liquid starch because I find it a bit quicker to make. I don’t think there is a real pro or con one way or another except my measuring spoons are always missing. Borax is also great for making our crystal activities. The clear glue is of course translucent and you do not need all that much food coloring to get vivid colors. The white glue is great too but you would have to add a ton go food coloring to get a more vivid color. Our rainbow slime uses the clear glue. Our Easter slime uses the white glue. Our 4th of July slime and candy cane slime uses both if you want to check out all the differences.

  • I’ve read through all of the comments, and it appears that this recipe is VERY specific to the ingredients in these particular products. I used the clear elmer’s glue, but I used Niagra brand non-aerosol spray starch. I thought this was just the same type of liquid starch but with a spray bottle top on it. Apparently I was mistaken, as this did not work out at all. My slime is still totally liquid. I even tried adding more glue, as I noticed that was the only difference in your flubber recipe, but still nothing. I’m going to try airing it out a bit in a baking pan or something where it will have a lot of surface contact with the air, but based on the previous comments, I’m really not feeling very hopeful. Live and learn 🙁

  • Not all liquid starches contain boric acid nor borax.
    I gather that this is a crucual detail, which your readers ought to know.

    Sta-Flo’s ingredients list features: ‘Sodium Tetraborate’ (aka Borax)
    And Lin-It’s: ‘Borax (B4Na2O7.10H2O)’

    Whereas Astonish starch spray (sold here in the UK), lists only: Aqua, alcohol, starch, methanol.

  • Yes the UK residents are unable to make this recipe due to that. I will happily add that bit of information into the post. There is a slime made by a laundry detergent that is easy to get in the UK.

  • Yes you need liquid starch not spray starch. The elders washable school glue in clear and white work fine.

  • Much like others on this thread I used white washable glue and made liquid starch using powder laundry starch found in the detergent aisle. The result was a liquid which formed into nothing. To help your readers I think it would be helpful if you mentioned that the recipe only works with CLEAR washable glue and not white (as is listed in the ingredients), and that liquid starch as the one you use is necessary. Alternatively you might want to give some info on substitutions. This will greatly help readers who need to substitute.

  • My grocery store didn’t have it either, got it at Smart n Final

  • I’d love to know the answer to this I was going to ask the same thing.

  • My comments can get out of order on my dashboard where I reply. Email me any specific questions if you like. [emailprotected]

  • Works fine with White Elmers washable glue. We use it all the time. Yes the liquid starch is necessary. This is just one recipe out there but is specific to these ingredients as if you were baking something

  • Hi, I used Elmer’s classic glitter glue instead of the clear. Its a little chunky and make my hands a little sticky after use. Is all of the slime going to be like that or is it because of the glitter glue?

  • Yes, that glitter glue has never worked well for me! I would have to experiment with a modified recipe. I made it once and after awhile it does set up better than in the beginning but still not great.

  • After reading these post it accured to me that wallpaper paste was made of starch.might it work? Just curious.
    Looking foward to trying it with my two grandson’s. Thanks

  • Help! My slime is too watery. What did I do wrong?

  • If it has formed a slime mass at all, take it out and discard excess liquid and put in clean dry container and see if that makes a difference. Otherwise it may be a bad batch of glue. Double check that you have the right brand of glue too.

  • I am having the same problem right now lol! I wanted to surprise my daughter, and the only liquid starch in the store was this Niagara non-aerosol spray starch. It’s liquid starch in a spray bottle as opposed to an aerosol can, so I thought it was the same. But it’s not working – completely watery. Oh well. Back to the store I go lol.

  • Great slime i like this!!! thanks for your tutorial

  • Yes the spray starch is not quite the same. I hope you can find the right starch. If not we have a borax slime recipe that uses the borax powder you find in the same area as the liquid starch.

  • Would be interested to hear if it works!

  • You need to use craft gloo

  • If your slime comes out too sticky, try adding a tiny bit more liquid starch. Sometimes, the recipe isn’t totally exact… You need to tweak it depending on what it needs. 🙂

  • How do I store the slime?

  • We keep ours in a plastic food container loosely covered. We have had it over a month if it is not getting dirty from many hands!

  • You can substitute contact solution in lieu of borax if you have trouble finding it. It contains boric acid and works. I mix in a little (like 1 t to 4oz clear glue) baking SODA first then squirt in a little contact solution at a time. When it’s only slightly sticky let it rest for a bit then add more if still sticky. Knead well throughout.

  • I tried this and my slime just came out as liquid? It’s not just too watery, it’s not slime at all. What did I do wrong?

  • I did this with our 3 year olds today and for convenience I mixed the water and glue in a water bottle for easy transport. I prepped everything the night before and I’m happy to report it worked just fine. No problem having those two things mixed ahead of time. We loved it. My pumpkin was a little juicier than I expected so I’m going to add a bit more starch to it to see if it will firm up a bit.

  • I do have a borax slime alternative slime recipe you should see a link to on the main slime recipe page.

  • What did you use for glue and starch? Brands?

  • Thanks!

  • I have mixed the water and glue the night before but left in a large tub so I can shake up before pouring it into a small cup. It worked fine. I did notice on a following day (I teach a science elementary lab) that it was runny. I believe my starch amount is off. I tried less starch since it seemed so much was left in the bowl but now think not enough starch ( equal parts to the water/glue) is the reason. Any thoughts?

  • The laundry starch slime has been a big hit. We had a failure at first (which resulted in a hand drawn Observations Notebook , so no loss there). SO, check your laundry starch. Mine was CONCENTRATED. After thinning it down to medium strength, we got slime that is firm and stretchy. BONUS: when pushed into a container, our slime makes loud gassy noises. Fun!

  • CraZart works perfect!! Add more borax or liquid starch.

  • It should definitely be equal parts or just there about. I don’t know possibly if temperature or altitude might have an affect. Did you remove it to a dry container? Did you use Elmers Glue? Starch well shaken? I would love for you to try the recipe on the spot and see what happens.

  • Hi! I am planning on doing your “inside out” intervention with my counseling kids- I was wondering when you added the food coloring, since in your instructions on this page, its the second step… but Im assuming that you needed to separate the different “colors” first?? Does that make any sense? Maybe if you could just quickly give me the new basic directions for how you do this for multiple different colors. Thanks so much!!

  • Kathryn,
    I can not open up the full comment for some reason. Please feel free to contact me at [emailprotected] and I can answer your questions!

  • I am wanting to use the christmas tree slime for my preschool class. But I cannot find how much ingredients I would need to make it and give out to about 25 or so kids. Please help. Thank you!:)

  • I have tried everything, but can’t find the recipe for the slime…help!!what are the amounts of glue, starch and water???

  • If you are on desktop you simple need to keep scrolling down to the supply list and step by step instructions. If you are on mobile you need to press the READ MORE button to see the rest of the post. Please email me at [emailprotected] if you have problems.

  • I would go with about three servings per bottle of glue! If you scroll down through the post you will see the directions and ingredients. If you are on mobile make sure to click the READ MORE button under the first image.

  • Have you ever make Slime with homemade liquid starch?

  • Hello. I just made one and it worked just fine. I am doing this for your melted snowman theme. It came out more like noise putty and not stretchy/melting snowman like. What should I add? Water? Glue? Starch?

  • Terrific!

  • What can I add to make them more loose or runny I guess?

  • Anyone?

  • I have never made my own liquid starch, let me know how it goes!

  • did i miss something when i read directions,, supply list says you need water but how much? and is it a total of 1/2 cup of glue like 1/4 of clear elmers glue with 1/4 c glitter glue?

  • Hi, you need to just keep reading down the directions but it’s a 1/2 cup!

  • I am a teacher and I like to plan ahead can I put the slime in a container and keep it for about a week in half?

  • I have had luck keeping slime is a plastic container loosely covered for up to a month! Every now and then I take it out and play with it, so you might want to check on it once in awhile!

  • Not sure what I did wrong, but mine turned out pretty runny and didn’t glob like the recipe shows.

  • The biggest thing is the right type of glue. Elmers washable glue. However, every now and then I have gotten an Elmers that has not worked for me. Definitely try it again and double check the measurements.

  • I wanted to try this for class party but have each child make their own batch…you said recipe would work for 3 servings. Can I cut the recipe into thirds to make individual portions?
    Or do you have measurements for a single portion?

  • It last forever but the color will turn once you have played with it for a long time.

  • You can make a single batch and pull apart the slime. That’s how I go about making my slime party favors. If you take a look at our newest Valentines Day slime, I made two batches to fill 10 condiment cups.

  • I teaspoon borax and I cup hot water, I live in us so I don’t know.. you can order it off of amazon though.. hope this helped 🙂

  • I followed the recipe exactly as printed. Stayed liquid even after hours of waiting. Big disappointment for my grandson and me. I searched other recipes and they said you must use HOT water. Maybe you could add this to your recipe so others aren’t disappointed.

  • Why can i not see the recipe

  • Make sure you use the right glue! Every once in awhile, I come across an Elmer’s glue that is a flop. I don’t why this is but I can pull out another bottle and it comes together perfectly. Hope you will try it again.

  • There is a black box that says get your slime recipe here. Click on that.

  • If you scroll down towards the bottom you should see step by step photos.

  • HI – I love your site but cannot see where the actual slime recipe. Lots of great photos but the links to the recipe just clicks to another photo. Possible to just post the recipe? Thanks so much.

  • same – what’s the actual recipe?

  • Hi! Please scroll down to the end of the post as you will find step by step directions with photographs.

  • Please scroll through the entire post to find the recipe. It is located near the bottom with step by step instructions.

  • Does this work with homemade liquid starch?

  • Hi! I should have read thru the comments before attempting on making our version today :'(. Used Bovax clear glue and self made liquid starch (cornstarch + water + heat). Safe to say, it didn’t work. Was very liquidy, so i kept adding in ingredients (measurements now are completely whacked!). Lol. Our slime turned out super sticky. I’ve made such a big batch it’s now in a plastic container sitting in or fridge. Should I just dump it? :p

  • Yes, I am not sure there is anything you can do to make it come out any better at this point. I have been there. If you can get the Elmers washable school glue that would be the best as well as liquid laundry starch. You are welcome to email me at [emailprotected] and I can make some other suggestions depending on what part of the world you are in and what supplies you have available!

  • Keep it in an airtight box, and that should help preserve the Slime xx

  • THIS DID NOT WORK. We used all of the ingredients and it didn’t set instantly. It failed us

  • I’ve made slime a number of times with my students. This is the best – and easiest – recipe I’ve ever tried!

  • How much water would I use for a 8oz bottle of GLUE? Or is that equal to 1/2 cup? Also woukd I still use 1/2cup of liquid starch?

  • If i use glitter, will it come off on my hands later when its time to play with it? Also, do you have any “science behind it information” that I can use in the lesson plan?

  • No it won’t come out, glitter will remain suspended in the slime! Within the article is a small section for simple science but you can read more here.

    There is simple science included with links to more resources as needed depending on the age!

  • It’s 1:1 ratio. for 8oz glue you will need 8oz water and then 8oz starch!

  • THANK YOU! So nice to hear this.

  • I am sorry to hear that. There are times when a bottle of Elmer’s has failed us for no specific reason. I would try again if you can. I have many many viewers who love this recipe, so I would hate for you to miss out on the fun.

  • Rubbish! Searched the whole of my town for liquid starch – yeap it didnt work!

  • Tell me more about what happened? Did you you find liquid starch in the laundry aisle? Did you use the Elmer’s Washable School Glue. On very rare occasion I have had an issue with a bad bottle of glue and the slime simply didn’t form. This has been very rare in my years of slime making. I would be happy to go through it with you if you would like to email me at [emailprotected]. I have used this recipe for kids parties, gifts, and countless times of our own slime making activities and it should be quite easy to do!

  • It lasts a long time if you knead it and keep it in a ziploc bag or a container. Slime is just like taking care of a pet, they need lots of attention to last a long time.
    I hope this was helpful.

  • Is liquid starch the same as liquid laundry detergent? That’s what I used and used elmers and it’s not working. Email me please

  • No liquid starch is not liquid laundry detergent. Feel free to reach me at [emailprotected]

  • It will usually last for 1-2 weeks if stored in a cool dry place! No fridges just store in a place like a cupboard-

  • Pingback: 13 Halloween Crafts & Recipes to Try with Your Kids - Kirby Plastic Surgery

  • Pingback: Slime Recipe Videos To Learn How To Make Amazing Slime

  • How much slime will one standard bottle of glue yield? I am trying to make some for a kindergarten class and I’d like for them all to take some home. Thanks.

  • I have tried rhis 4 times and it does the same thing it thickens up a little bit not like slime at all …. I need help plz

  • Pingback: How to Avoid Slime Gone Wrong and Other Slime Fails!

  • Pingback: Make Homemade Christmas Slime Recipe for Santa, Rudolph, Tree Ideas

  • Pingback: Santa Christmas Slime Recipe with Glitter Glue Slime

  • Hi, I just love this idea! Would be interested to hear if it works!

  • Pingback: Vanilla Scented Slime Recipe with Christmas Cookie Theme for Kids

  • Pingback: Holiday Activities to Keep the KIds Busy | InTown Suites

  • Fascinating, very nice sharing

  • Pingback: How To Make Valentines Day Slime Recipes for Valentines Science

  • Pingback: DIY Activities to Keep the Boys Entertained - Tomorrow's Outfit

  • Pingback: Valentines Day Crunchy Slime Recipe for Amazing Homemade Slime!

  • Well keep it in a container easy!

  • Which recipe is best to use for 1st graders? I was planning on pre-making the Valentine’s slime, then letting them add confetti, rhinestones and glitter. Will that work?

  • I really love the saline solution slime for pre-making and adding stuff after. Did you see our valentines day slime post with the swirled colors? I set it up like a slime buffet.

  • Can i use homemade liquid starch to make this slime?????

  • I have made slime a lot of times but it all turns out really gross and doesn’t stick to itself. Flakes of glue like stuff fall off!! 🙁

  • No you can not.

  • I would love to help you more, feel free to email [emailprotected] or message me on our FB page! I made 10 batches of different slimes yesterday for our new book coming out soon,

  • Pingback: Homemade Floam Slime Recipe for Kids Slime Science

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  • 5 condiment size servings!

  • No it does not. It will not have the same ingredients necessary to form the slime.

  • This is the best and easiest recipe ever. Just don’t quit kneading it once you mix in the liquid starch because the stickiness goes away. Really stretchy. I used half a cup of white school glue mixed really well with half a cup of tap water then when we added 1/4 cup of Sta-Flo liquid starch it really started coming together rather quick. Great recipe. Thanks a bunch.

  • Pingback: Lava Slime for your Preschool Dinosaur Theme -

  • Pingback: How To Make Glitter Slimes

  • Loved the personal insights about laundry, dishes, etc. Thanks for making me laugh this morning.

  • Pingback: Ocean Slime Recipe for Kids Homemade Summer Slime Fun!

  • Pingback: New Years Counting I SPY Activity for Kids {FREE Printable Pages}

  • Pingback: Slime Activator List for Making the Best Homemade Slime with Kids

  • Pingback: 50 Awesome Slime Recipes for Kids - Look! We're Learning!

  • Pingback: New Years Eve Slime Recipe and Science Activity for Kids

  • Pingback: Rainbow Slime - How To Make A Rainbow With Color Slime

  • Pingback: How To Make Slime for St Patricks Day Activities with Kids

  • Pingback: A Gooey Exhibit: Slime in 4-H – The Modern 4-Her

  • Pingback: Top 10 DIY Kid-Safe Slime Recipes You Can Make in Minutes - Sizzling Snowflake

  • Just came across your website, as my daughter requested a science bday party. Fantastic site! I was wondering if it is okay to add craft paint to th is recipe instead of food coloring?

  • Pingback: Easy To Make St Patrick's Day Green Slime | Little Bins for Little Hands

  • Pingback: Fun Clear Slime For St Patrick's Day | Little Bins for Little Hands

  • Pingback: 31 Borax frei, aber super beeindruckende Schleim Rezepte – DIY Handwerk .Site

  • Pingback: Slime Recipe With Borax for Amazingly Easy Homemade Slime

  • hey how long does it take before you can start kneading the slime?

  • A soon as you mix up the slime well in the bowl so that it pulls away nicely, start kneading! It’s pretty quick!

  • Does slim stain and/or get stuck in carpet and other fabric

  • Yes it can and it will stick to fabrics and carpet!

  • I found CraZart to Sta-Flow to be almost a 1-3.5 ratio. YMMV

  • the kid eating tho (mmm)

  • Please search our list of edible slimes if you have kiddos who might want to taste this! We have plenty of options!

  • Comments are closed.

    Liquid Starch Slime Only 3 Ingredients! - Little Bins for Little Hands (2024)
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